Rockin' h Farm

Alexandria, MN

Rockin' h Beef

We have had beef cattle on the farm since 2016. In 2017 we started to focus on raising Charolais cattle. They are fast growing, large framed cattle with excellent muscling. In the early summer we artificially inseminate (AI) some of our cows with semen from high-quality purebred Charolais bulls. Their offspring are raised as purebred Charolais stock. The remainder of our stock are inseminated with semen from quality Black Angus bulls and provide us with offspring to be raised for beef. The resulting 50:50 Charolais:Black Angus takes advantage of hybrid vigor and yields large offspring that grow rapidly and have excellent carcass traits.   

​We have cows, heifers, steers and calves in the pasture. Harvest dates for finished steers and heifers are November 2022. We take deposits at any time.

Our beef at the Rockin’ h are raised with continuous access to pasture. Steers/heifers to be harvested in the fall finish in choice pastures, with alfalfa and with a limited amount of grain (corn, barley and soybeans). We walk among our cattle a few times a day, to check them and to acclimate them to people. Our goal is raising low-stress, happy animals that are mostly grass-fed, but with some grain over the last 4-6 months to assure good marbling and great taste. Our cattle are raised antibiotic-free (except if they are being treated by a veterinarian) and are never treated with hormones.